Merry Christmas, y’all.

Random side note: I’m embracing the Texan in me since that’s where I was originally born and raised and whenever I bust out a southern accent, people are a lot nicer for some reason.

Christmas and Hanukkah and most holidays I have heard of (Kwanza?) are over.  A new year is upon us.  I make resolutions every month, but I love New Year’s since it gives people reason to reflect and think about how they want to better themselves in the new year.

There’s nothing I want to quit (I quit smoking when I was 20 and am fine with my drinking habits) and I don’t want to lose weight or eat better.

My life has gotten exponentially better since November.  Somehow the universe conspired to push me out of the abusive work situation I was in and really go after my own dreams (cue Whitesnake’s “Here I go Again”).  For years I have been a champion of other people and their dreams whether it was my older sister, a boyfriend, or friends.

Now I am finally just focussed on me and what I love and am passionate about.  Don’t get me wrong, I will always encourage people to find and live their personal legends, but not at the expense of living my own.

I’ve heard people talk about clarity before and now that I have it, I get it.  It’s like I finally got glasses and am seeing my life and the world so clearly.  My vision keeps unfolding and getting better every day.

This is when my Debbie Downer, Dream Crusher, and self-proclaimed “realist” friends would say the world isn’t all roses and a bowl full a cherries.  I know the world is not perfect, so can’t we be the change?  Will we elevate the conversation and be solution oriented versus playing the blame game and pointing the finger at other races, political parties, etc? How about instead of fighting we hug it out, bitch.  We are all human at the end of the day.  Right?

Anyhoo, my point is we are all in this game called life and no one is making it out alive so what are you doing with your time between life and death?

Are you happy?

Are you spreading positivity or negativity?

Are you taking responsibility for your life or are you a victim?

Do you look for the best in others or are you quick to point out their flaws?

Do you think of things you are grateful for or just complain at what you don’t have?

Whether you make resolutions or not, I hope you use the holidays to enjoy yourself, find peace and bring good vibes into the new year.

The way I see it, life is a hilarious sitcom and some people are just missing out on the joke.

Life Is A Sitcom